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American International School of Lisbon
The Frank C. Carlucci American International School of Lisbon is an independent, coeducational day school which offers an educational program from Early Childhood for 3-year-olds (EC-3) through grade 12 for students of all nationalities. The School was founded in 1956. The school year comprises 4 quarters extending from September 1 to October 28, from November 2 to January 27, from January 30 to April 7, and from April 18 to June 23.

Organization: The School is sponsored by a Board of Trustees, composed of the American Embassy, Visteon Portuguesa, and Grupo Espirito Santo. The School is legally recognized as a Portuguese Foundation and operates under statutes approved by the Portuguese Ministry of Education.

Curriculum: The curriculum is that of U.S. college-preparatory public schools. The School's testing program includes the National Merit and College Board tests. The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program is available for the last 2 years of High School. Instruction is in English. Portuguese is taught as both a native and a foreign language. Most of the graduates go on to colleges and universities in the United States, the United Kingdom or Portugal. Special Services to support mild learning disabilities is provided. Psychological testing and private remedial assistance are available in the community. The School is accredited by the New England Association of Schools and Colleges, the European Council of International Schools, and the Portuguese Ministry of Education.

Faculty: In the 2005-2006 school year, there are 64 full-time and 1 part-time faculty members.

Enrollment: At the beginning of the 2005-2006 school year, enrollment was 495 (EC-3-grade 5: 250; and grades 6-12: 245).

Facilities: One building houses EC-3 up to grade 5; one is the reception and library/media center; and the third building houses grades 6-12. Current sports facilities include a soccer field and a multipurpose court. Nearby sports facilities, including a gymnasium (a 5-minute walk from the main campus), are being rented on a daily basis for sports and P.E. classes. The library contains about 33,000 volumes, CD ROM resources, and access to the Internet.

Finances: In the 2005-2006 school year, annual tuition rates are as follows: EC-3/4: $7,334; Kdg: $8,077; grade 1: $9,453; grades 2-3: $10,067; grades 4-5: $11,213; grades 6-8: $12,472; and grades 9-12: $17,107. The School also charges a one-time registration fee of $577, a re-registration fee in the amount of 1 percent of the annual tuition rate for the grade the child is currently in, deductible from the first quarter’s tuition of the following year, and an annual building fee of $1,823, payable for five years beginning in grade 1. The annual optional bus fee is $2,298. Optional lunches cost $4.93 daily for grades 3-12 and $3.45 daily for EC-grade 2. (All fees are quoted in U.S. dollars.)


Ms. Blannie M. Curtis, Director
Frank C. Carlucci American International School Lisbon
Rua Antonio Dos Reis, 95
Linho, 2710-301 Sintra, Portugal
Tel. 351-21-923-9800
Fax 351-21-923-9899

Adapted from material published by the U.S. Department of State.
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